
In the Computer Science Colloquium, speakers from international research institutions present their current research. We cordially invite not only the staff of the institute, but especially all students of the TU Clausthal. In addition to interesting lectures, the colloquium offers the opportunity to inform oneself about the respective research areas and to establish contacts to scientists and institutions.

Suggestions and registrations for further lectures please send by e-mail to Stefanie Kehl

Kolloqium Wintersemester 2024/2025


  • Freitag, 07.02.2025, 11:00 Uhr, Institut für Informatik, Julius-Albert-Str. 4, Raum 1.06, Clausthal-Zellerfeld
    Isabell Jehle, Technische Universtität Clausthal
    Titel: Intrusion Detection and Prevention Framework for Cybersecurity of Vehicular Networks and Connected Cars
    Organisator: Prof. Dr.Sven Hartmann
  • Dienstag, 17. Dezember 2024, 11.00 Uhr, Institut für Informatik (D3), Besprechungsraum 1.06, Julius-Albert-Str. 4, 38678 Clausthal-Zellerfeld  
    Prof. Dr. Hui Ma (School of Engineering and Computer Science, Victoria University of Wellington)
    Titel: Location-aware Cloud Service Brokering in Multi-cloud Environment
    Organisator: Prof. Dr. Sven Hartmann
  • Mittwoch, 11. Dezember 2024, 11.00 Uhr, Institut für Informatik (D3), Besprechungsraum 1.06, Julius-Albert-Str. 4, 38678 Clausthal-Zellerfeld 
    Dr. Oliver Ohneiser (DLR-Institut für Flugführung, Braunschweig): Multimodale Mensch-Maschine-Interaktionstechnologien an Lotsenarbeitsplätzen
    Organisator: Prof. Dr. Sven Hartmann
  • Montag, 02. Dezember 2024, 15.00 Uhr, Institut für Informatik (D3), Besprechungsraum 1.06, Julius-Albert-Str. 4, 38678 Clausthal-Zellerfeld und
    Turgay Aslandere (Ford): Testing AI-based Vehicle Systems in Synthetic Environments for Aerospace Applications
    Organisator: apl.Prof. Dr. Umut Durak
  • Montag, 02. Dezember 2024, 15.45 Uhr,Institut für Informatik (D3), Besprechungsraum 1.06, Julius-Albert-Str. 4, 38678 Clausthal-Zellerfeld und
    Joachim Rüter (DLR): Using Only Synthetic Images to Train Deep Learning Perception Models for Aerial Refueling
    Organisator: apl.Prof. Dr. Umut Durak

Sommersemester 2024


  • Donnerstag, 25.04.2024, 13:00 Uhr, Institut für Informatik, Besprechungsraum 1.06, Julius-Albert-Str. 4, CL-Z
    Carsten Hesselmann: Information Privacy in the Sharing Economy: Towards Improving the Transparency of Data Practices
    Gutachter: Prof. Dr. Jörg P. Müller und Prof. Dr. Jan Gertheiss (Institut für Mathematik)
  • Mittwoch, 03.04.2024, 09:00 Uhr, Institut für Informatik (Gebäude D5), Multimedia Hörsaal, Albrecht-von-Grodeck-Str. 7, Cl-Z
    Tobias Ahlbrecht: Goal-based debugging for belief-desire-inention agents
    Gutachter: Prof. Dr. Jürgen Dix und Prof. Dr. Michael Winikoff (Victoria University of Wellington)


  • Mittwoch, den 29.05.2024, 10:00 Uhr, Institut für Informatik (D3), Julius-Albert-Str. 4, Besprechungsraum 1.06
    Prof. Dušan Knop, Czech Technical University in Prague
    Applications of N-Fold Integer Programming
    Organisator: Prof. Dr. Robert Bredereck

Research Track

  • 08.07.2024, 09:15 Uhr, Institut für Informatik (D3), Besprechungsraum 1.09, Julius-Albert-Str. 4, CLZ
    Tobias Kühnel - Opinion Diffusion with Stubborn Agents (Antrittsvortrag)
    Gutachter: Jun.-Prof. Dr. Robert Bredereck und Prof. Dr. Rüdiger Ehlers

  • Sarmad Rezayat - Conceptual Foundations of Hippocratic APIs: Pioneering Ethical Data Management
    Donnerstag, 02.05.2024, 14:00 Uhr, per BBB:
    Gutachter: Prof. Dr. Sven Hartmann und Prof. Dr. Umut Durak

Wintersemester 2023/2024


  • Freitag, 16.02.2024, 10:00 Uhr, Institut für Software and Systems Engineering (Gebäude C10), Semianrraum 124, Arnold-Sommerfeld-Str. 1, Cl-Z
    Basel Alhaji: Trust-Based Human-Robot Industrial Collaboration
    Gutachter: Prof. Dr. Michael Prilla (Uni Duisburg-Essen) und Prof. Dr. Andreas Rausch (ISSE)

Research Track:

  • Mittwoch, 27.03.2024, 09:30 Uhr, per BBB:
    Seyed Behzad Arjmand Boroujeni - Evaluating the Effectiveness of Human-Robot Interaction in Healthcare Facilities: A Multi-Center Study on the Assessment of Physical and Cognitive Interventions for the Elderly through Objective Testing and Qualitative Analysis
    Gutachter: Dr. David Unbehaun und Prof. Dr. Jörg P. Müller

Sommersemester 2023


  • Donnerstag, 14. September 2023, 10:00 Uhr
    per BBB:
    Adnan Alayoubi - Generating large scale Datasets and Comparing Different Splitting Strategies for the Cooperative Vehicle Platooning Problem with Multiple Companies

  • Mittwoch, 26. Juli 2023, 11:00 Uhr
    Besprechungsraum 1.06, Julius-Albert-Str. 4 in Clausthal-Zellerfeld
    Julian Haase: Data Coverage for Testing
    Betreuer: Prof. Dr. Christian Siemers (IEI) und Prof. Dr. Sven Hartmann


Wintersemester 2022/2023


  • Freitag, den 13.01.2023, 10:00 Uhr, Institut für Informatik (D3), Julius-Albert-Str. 4, PC Pool 302 und
    Hakan Aydemir, System Test and Simulation Manager Turkish Aerospace
    Digital Engineering in Aviation: The Activities of the AIAA Digital Engineering Technical Committee
    Organisator: Prof. Dr. Umut Durak
  • Freitag, den 04.11.2022, 13:00 Uhr, Institut für Informatik (D8), Am Regenbogen 15, Seminarraum 210
    Prof. Dr. Wojtek Jamroga, University of Luxembourg and Polish Academy of Sciences
    How to Save Democracy (or Towards Model Checking of E-Voting Protocols in Alternating-time Temporal Logic)
    Organisator: Prof. Dr. Jürgen Dix


Sommersemester 2022



Vorträge im Wintersemester 2021/2022


Lectures in the summer semester 2021

Research presentation

Wintersemester 2020/2021

Research project

Lectures in the summer semester 2020


Research Project

Lectures in the winter semester 2019/2020

Research Project

Lectures in the summer semester 2019


Lectures in winter semester 2018/19

In the winter semester we heard the following lectures:

  • 09.11.2018, 14:00, Seminar room 105 (T1), Albrecht-von-Groddeck-Str. 7,Sebastian Schirmer,DLR Institute of Flight Systems Title: Reconfiguration of Cyber-Physical Systems in Aviation

Research Project:

Lectures in the summer semester 2018

Im Sommersemester 2018 haben wir folgende Vorträge gehört:

Lectures in the summer semester 2017

  • 28.08.2017 - Peer Denecke - Research Project: Generation of Requirements-based Test Cases for an Adaptive Cruise Control System
  • 24.08.2017 - Sören Schleibaum - Automated classification of product data using neural networks (1st presentation research project)
  • 26.07.2017 - Prof. Dr. Fritz Mayer-Lindenberg - An approach to communication and division of labor in FPGA- and SoC-based parallel computers
  • 17.07.2017 - PD Dr. Michael Felderer - Risk-Based Software Testing: Increasing Effectiveness and Efficiency in Testing
  • 12.06.2017 - Dr. Stephan Krusche - Continuous Delivery
  • 30.05.2017 - Dr. Christoph Knieke - Managed Evolution of Automotive Software Product Line Architectures
  • 04.05.2017 - Karl-Falco Storm - Research Project: Development of an Algorithm for Driving Profile Prediction Considering the Current Driver State

Lectures in winter semester 2016/2017

  • 14.03.2017 - Rabie Almsber - Research Project: Extending AIM to handle Vehicles and Pedestrians
  • 03/01/2017 - Yong Wang - Automatic adaptation of program interfaces for model-driven software development
  • 27.02.2017 - Khaled Osmani - Smart Data in Automotive Production
  • 25.01.2017 - Carsten Hesselmann - Research project: decentralized conflict handling for change operations in collaborative product development
  • 24.01.2017 - Yong Wang - Semantic variation based data mapping for automatic adaptation of program interfaces
  • 11.01.2017 - Dr. Dirk Werth - Digitalization of knowledge-intensive services using the example of digital consulting - changing business models and processes for knowledge workers -.
  • 10.01.2017 - Peer Denecke - Research project: metrics for requirements-based testing: evaluation with regard to fault finding using the example of a control system in a vehicle.
  • 16.12.2016 - Nils Böcher - Requirements for future SW architectures for automotive hardware platforms (E/E architecture 2025) with focus on: - Update capability of applications and hardware-related software modules in the vehicle and of stock items - the use of field failures for spare parts supply by remanufacturing
  • 12.12.2016 - Prof. Dr. Hans-Jürgen Scheruhn - Use of ARIS models in SAP ERP
  • 08.11.2016 - Mohamad Ibrahim - Research Project: Conception of Publish-Subscribe Mechanism for the DAiSI and prototypical Implementation on EXLAP
  • 20.10.2016 - Rabie Almsber - Research Project: Towards Extending Autonomous Intersection Management by Vehicle-Pedestrian Interaction

Lectures in the summer semester 2016

  • 07.07.2016 - Dr. Wojtek Jamroga - Agent Logic, Strategic Ability, and Multi-Valued Verification
  • 23.06.2016 - Zheng Liu - Set-Based Design
  • 20.06.2016 - Mohamad Ibrahim - Forschungsprojekt: Conception of Publish-Subscribe Mechanism for the DAiSI and prototypical Implementation on EXLAP
  • 20.06.2016 - Dirk Scharff - Intelligente Werkzeuge zur Modellierung und Simulation thermischer Systeme mit FMUs
  • 27.05.2016 - Thorben Knust - Forschungsprojekt: Concept of a modular Toolchain for runtime analysis of Embedded Realtime-Systems
  • 25.05.2016 - Dr. Umut Durak - Model Based Testing Approach for Objective Fidelity Evaluation
  • 18.05.2016 - Niklas Fiekas - Forschungsprojekt: AgentSpeak in MapReduce
  • 10.05.2016 - Carsten Hesselmann - Forschungsprojekt: Dezentrale Konfliktbehandlung bei Änderungsoperationen in der kollaborativen Produktentwicklung
  • 09.05.2016 - Daniel Arnsberger - Forschungsprojekt: Towards the Verification of Safety-critical Autonomous Systems in Dynamic Environments
  • 03.05.2016 - Nils Böcher - Remanufactoring 4.0 for automotive software integration for protected off board diagnosis with future security concepts as a key for advanced circular economy

Lectures in winter semester 2015/2016

  • 23.02.2016 - Simon Linowski - Advanced project: Web-based tool for a test case control/configuration of a railway crossing.
  • 01.12.2015 - Dennis Klar - Model-based diagnosis of industrial control and automation systems by means of causal symptom analysis
  • 12.11.2015 - Marcel Spitzer - Research project: inconsistency measures for multiagent systems
  • 02.10.2015 - Daniel Arnsberger - Research project: Ensuring the functionality of a service robot using the example of an iserveU scenario
  • 02.10.2015 - Henning Lübbecke - (Mis)successes in the implementation of enterprise software

Lectures in the summer semester 2015

  • 14.07.2015 - Sascha Lützel - Functional Safety im Automotive Umfeld - Welchen Einfluss hat die Norm ISO 26262 auf Entwicklungsprojekte in Automobilkonzernen?
  • 30.06.2015 - Janek Bender, B.Sc. - Forschungsprojekt: A Comparison of Agent-Based Coordination Architecture Variants for Automotive Product Change Management
  • 23.06.2015 - Dr. Patrick Stiefel - Einführung in das Product Lifecycle Management (PLM) mit Praxisbeispielen aus dem Volkswagen-Konzern
  • 21.05.2015 - apl. Prof. Dr. Christof Lutteroth - GUIs, Gaze and Exergames - An Overview of my Research at the University of Auckland
  • 19.05.2015 - Prof. Ana Bazzan - Beyond reinforcement learning in multiagent systems
  • 12.05.2015 - Prof. Michael Winikoff - Talk 1: Early detection of design faults relative to requirement specifications in agent-based models and Talk 2: On the testability of BDI Agent Systems
  • 04.05.2015 - Karina Rehfeldt, B.Sc. - Forschungsprojekt Mobile4e

Lectures in winter semester 2014/2015

  • 10.02.2015 - Dr. Holger Klus - Software Development at ROSEN - An Overview
  • 05.02.2015 - Dr. Umut Durak - Simulation Modernization
  • 09.12.2014 - Karina Rehfeldt - Research Project Mobile4e

Lectures in the summer semester 2014

  • 24.06.2014 - Dr. Patrick Stiefel - Introduction to Product Data Management (PDM) with Practical Examples from the Volkswagen Group (Enrichment Lecture).
  • 23.06.2014 - Prof. Julian Rohrhuber - Mediality of algorithmic experimental systems. Current tendencies in domain-specific computer languages at the transition between art and science.
  • 20.06.2014 - Prof. Dr. Gunnar Stevens - Living Labs as a research methodology for sustainable innovation development
  • 20.06.2014 - Dr. Andreas Harrer - Support and analysis of collaborative planning, learning and knowledge co-construction
  • 19.06.2014 - Prof. Dr. Ansgar Scherp - Automatic image region labeling using gaze information obtained from image search
  • 19.06.2014 - Dr. Michael Prilla - Collaborative reflection in the workplace
  • 19.06.2014 - Prof. Dr. Jasminko Novak - The Value of the Human Touch: Human-Computer Interaction for Value Co-Creation in Business and Computational Systems
  • 19.06.2014 - Prof. Dr. Johannes Schöning - Paddle: A novel prototype of a deformable mobile device
  • 13.05.2014 - Dr. Claus-Peter Wirth and Prof. Dr. Frieder Stolzenburg - David Poole's Specificity Revised

Lectures in winter semester 2013/2014

  • 14.02.2014 - Dr. Stefanie Wuhrer - Analysis of Deformable Geometric Surfaces
  • 14.02.2014 - Prof. Dr. Jan Bender - Interactive physics-based simulation
  • 14.02.2014 - Dr. Martin Eisemann - Simulating the real world
  • 13.02.2014 - Prof. Dr. Michael Guthe - Perception in real-time graphics
  • 13.02.2014 - Jun.-Prof. Dr. Mario Hlawitschka - Visual data analysis in neuroscience, bioengineering, and engineering
  • 2014/02/13 - Jun.-Prof. Dr. Thorsten Grosch - Global illumination for virtual and augmented reality
  • 02/13/2014 - Dr. Stefan Guthe - Visualization of Astronomical Nebulae via Distributed Multi-GPU Compressed Sensing Tomography
  • 02/05/2014 - Dr. Dirk Werth - Intelligent Enterprise Software - New Approaches to the Use of Assistance and Recommendation Systems in the Operational Environment -.
  • 12/06/2013 - Prof. Dr. Dirk Linowski - Industry-related research at Tunisian universities? Observations as EU expert on site
  • 21.10.2013 - Dr. Gerald Weber - Document Orientation: A semantically rich way to describe user interfaces

Lectures in the summer semester 2013

  • 04.07.2013 - Dr. Lena Wiese - Methods for logical database security
  • 12.06.2013 - Prof. Jørgen Villadsen - On Programming Multi-Agent Systems
  • 28.05.2013 - Dr. Qing Wang - Capturing Knowledge Patterns in Entity Resolution

Lectures in winter semester 2012/2013

  • 12.02.2013 - Dr. Matei Popovici - A logical method for temporal knowledge representation and reasoning
  • 31.01.2013 - Prof. Dr. Urs Andelfinger - The Effective Use of CMMI & Co. in Industrial Practice; Of Dead Ends and Success Factors
  • 16.01.2013 - Dr. Dirk Werth - Software as a Service (Enrichment Lecture)
  • 06.12.2013 - Prof. Dr. H. Dieter Rombach - Improving Patient Safety and Risk Management through Software Engineering & Ambient Technology
  • 30.11.2012 - Prof. Dr.-Ing. Peter Liggesmeyer - From Safety Analysis to Safety Engineering: Multi-Core and Co.

Lectures in the summer semester 2012

  • 16.07.2012 - Prof. Dr. Franziska Klügl - Multiagent Simulation - Methodology and Application
  • 07.07.2012 - Prof. Dr. Jacek Blazewicz - From scheduling to DNA sequencing and backward
  • 06.07.2012 - Prof. Dr. Erik Jansen - 30 years computer graphics - towards realtime realistic rendering
  • 28.06.2012 - Claus Jungmann, Marco Grunert - Software architecture in project deployment
  • 04/16/2012 - Dr. Gerhard Pews - An architecture standard in the public sector: the Register Factory blueprints
  • 30.05.2012 - Prof. Dr. Violeta Bozhikova - Some approaches in the field of software engineering
  • 07.05.2012 - Prof. Dr. Peter Dürr - Use of software tools for the political opinion making process
  • 24.04.2012 - Prof. Dr. Kevin D. Ashley - Toward Teaching Writing and Argumentation with AI-Supported Peer Review

Lectures in winter semester 2011/2012

  • 14.03.2012 - Dr.-Ing. Dipl. Inf. Christian Allmann - Research project e-performance
  • 06.03.2012 - Dipl.-Ing. Nils Cordes - E-Business systems based on open standards and free software
  • 06.03.2012 - Dipl.-Ing. Christian Senf - Standards for electronic data exchange in public administration
  • 14.02.2012 - Priv.-Doz. Dr. Rob van Stee - Selfish routing on a ring
  • 14.02.2012 - Prof. Dr. Marc Toussaint - Probabilistic inference approaches to planning and reinforcement learning in structured domains
  • 14.02.2012 - Prof. Dr. Andreas Harrer - Software architecture and intelligent support of self-organised group learning processes in Metafora
  • 14.02.2012 - PD Dr. Sebastian Rudolph - Decidability of answering conjunctive queries in description logics with nominals, inverses and cardinality constraints
  • 14.02.2012 - Prof. Dr. Sebastian Maneth
  • 13.02.2012 - Prof. Dr. Martin Lange - SMT-Based Analysis of Real-Time Systems
  • 13.02.2012 - Dr. Michaela Huhn - Formal Verification in Model-Based Development of Software-Intensive Systems
  • 13.02.2012 - Ph.D. Achim D. Bruckner - Theorem Prover-based Testing
  • 13.02.2012 - Jun.-Prof. Dr. Erika Ábrahám - SAT-Modulo-Theories Solving for Real Algebra
  • 18.01.2012 - Dr. Dirk Werth - Enterprise Software-as-a-Service

Lectures in summer semester 2011

  • 29.09.2011 - Dr. Clemens Szyperski - Composition as a Data Problem
  • 28.06.2011 - Dr. Koen V. Hindriks - Patterns in Agent Programming
  • 24.05.2011 - R.-C. Mihailescu, M.Sc. - An organizational approach to agent-based virtual power stations via coalitional games
  • 15.04.2011 - Prof. Dr. V.S. Subrahmanian - Social Network Optimization Problems
  • 06.04.2011 - Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Manfred Broy - Theorie des Software Engineering - Wofür denn?

Lectures in winter semester 2010/2011

  • 09.02.2011 - Dr. Sujata Ghosh - Strategic reasoning in extensive form games: a logical study
  • 08.02.2011 - Prof. Dr. Joachim Biskup - Inference-proof view update transactions with forwarded refreshments (Vortrag zum Thema Datenbank-Sicherheit)
  • 01.02.2011 - Dr. Berndt Müller - Modern Applications of Agent Technology - Where Mobility and Resources Actually Matter
  • 25.01.2011 - Dr. Hui Ma - A Geometrically Enhanced Conceptual Data Model
  • 07.12.2010 - Dr. Marco Kuhrmann - Visual Process Model Design - Metamodeling, DSL's & PDE
  • 23.11.2010 - Prof. Dr. Bernhard Thalheim - Technology Solutions for the Next Generation Web

Lectures in the summer semester 2010

  • 01.07.2010 - Prof. Dr. Dirk Langemann - Qualitative Mathematical Models of Human Energy Metabolism
  • 27.05.2010 - Dr. Wojtek Jamroga - Variants of Strategic Logics
  • 14.04.2010 - M.I.S. M.E. Qing Wang - A Customised ASM Thesis for Database Transformations

Lectures in winter semester 2009/2010

  • 03.02.2010 - Dr.-Ing. Johannes Behr - DOM - A DOM-based HTML5/ X3D Integration Model
  • 29.01.2010 - Prof. Dr. Cees Witteveen - Decomposition of constraint systems: Equivalences and computational properties
  • 15.12.2009 - M.Sc. Collin Lynch - Educational Datamining in Ill-Defined Domains: The case of argument diagrams
  • 30.10.2009 - Dr. Wojtek Jamroga - Description Logic Meets Coalition Logic - On Concepts, Agents, and Strategies

Lectures in the summer semester 2009

  • 28.09.2009 - Sascha Lange - Deep reinforcement learning based on visual perceptions
  • 18.08.2009 - Martin Tröschel - Active Scheduling in Holonic Virtual Power Plants
  • 12.08.2009 - Jun.-Prof. Dr. Monique Janneck - What the customer really needed...
  • 12.08.2009 - Jun.-Prof. Dr. Niels Pinkwart - IT support in the training of reasoning skills - Informatic concepts and empirical results
  • 11.08.2009 - Jun.-Prof. Dr. Volkmar Pipek - User-driven innovation in enterprise infrastructures
  • 11.08.2009 - PD Dr. Thomas Mandl - Automation and Process Integration in Evaluating and Improving the Usability of Application Software
  • 11.08.2009 - Dr. Enrico Rukzio - Mobile Interaction with Pervasive User Interfaces
  • 11.08.2009 - Dr. Michael Kipp - Natural Interaction with Virtual Humans: Probabilistic Modeling and Synthesis of Individual Behavior Patterns
  • 09.07.2009 - Prof. Dr. Wojciech Penczek - Bounded Parametric Model Checking for Elementary Net Systems
  • 09.07.2009 - Prof. Dr. Uwe Leck - Restoration of Information in Distributed Databases
  • 08.07.2009 - Prof. Dr. Sebastian Link - Keys and Functional Dependencies under Multi-Set Semantics
  • 02.07.2009 - Prof. Dr. Michael S. Floater - Barycentric coordinates and interpolation
  • 30.06.2009 - Silke Lehmann - Business Modeling - Analyzing, Modeling and Optimizing our Clients business processes
  • 16.06.2009 - Thomas Knothe - Business Modeling in Practice
  • 16.06.2009 - Associate Prof. Son Tran - Negotiation Using Logic Programming with Consistency Restoring Rules
  • 19.05.2009 - Dietlind Zühlke - Neural Computation in Industrial Applications of Life Science Informatics
  • 28.04.2009 - Prof. Dr. Wolf Zimmermann - Robust Component Systems by Protocol Checking
  • 20.04.2009 - Prof. Dr. Dirk Linowski - Algorithmic approaches for the optimization of development aid and real estate portfolios
  • 03/31/2009 - Prof. Dr. Arndt Poetzsch-Heffter - Modeling and Verification of Open Distributed Component Systems - Are we ready for IT Ecosystems? -

Lectures in the winter semester 2008/2009

  • 02.03.2009 - Prof. Dr. Marc Stamminger - Parallele globale Lichtsimulation
  • 12.02.2009 - Prof. Dr. Heribert Vollmer - The Complexity of Reasoning for Fragments of Default Logic
  • 06.02.2009 - Prof. Dr. Mario Botsch - Polyhedral Finite Elements
  • 04.02.2009 - Dr. Luis Antunes - E*ploring design landscapes for social simulation
  • 16.12.2008 - Dr. Dirk Labudde - SMFS Hochdurchsatz-Messungen und die daraus folgenden Anforderungen an die BioInformatik - SMFS High-Throughput Experiments and subsequent Challenges in BioInformatics -
  • 09.12.2008 - Dr. Berndt Farwer -Petri Nets and Logics for Mobile Agent Systems
  • 08.12.2008 - Prof. Dr. H. Ulrich Hoppe - Wissensmanagement und Electronic Communities

Lectures in the summer semester 2008

  • 19.08.2008 - Dipl.-Inf. Petra Schneider - Relevance Matrices in LVQ
  • 15.07.2008 - Prof. Marc Alexa - The mission video out - intuitive creation and modification of shapes
  • 14.07.2008 - Dr. Marco Tarini - Scientific Visualization of Molecular Structures
  • 09.07.2008 - Prof. Dr. Heribert Vollmer - The Tractability of Model-Checking for LTL: The Good, the Bad and the Ugly Fragments
  • 01.07.2008 - Andreas Hess - Quasar Enterprise - Designing application landscapes in a service-oriented way
  • 24.06.2008 - Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Straßer - Physical interactive shape change of bodies
  • 19.06.2008 - Dr. Dirk Werth - Operational information systems - balancing act between centrality and decentrality
  • 10.06.2008 - Dipl.-Ing. Thomas Knothe - Enterprise modelling in practice
  • 03.06.2008 - Dr. Wolf Ketter - Flexible Decision Support in a Dynamic Business Network
  • 03.06.2008 - Prof. Dr. Holger Theisel - Shape Deformations by Constructing and Integrating Vector Fields

Lectures in the winter semester 2007/2008

  • 04.02.2008 - Prof. Koen Hindriks - Action Selection Mechanisms for Agent Programming
  • 25.01.2008 - Prof. Guillermo R. Simari - On the Interplay of Defeasible Reasoning and Partial Order Planning
  • 16.01.2008 - Prof. Dr. Stefan Müller - Das RBG-Wunder
  • 18.12.2007 - Harald Klein - Collaboration Processes of Enterprises - Modeling and Formalization
  • 27.11.2007 - Dr. Frank-Michael Schleiff und PD Thomas Villmann - Fuzzy Classification and Visualization of Proteomic Spectra
  • 12.11.2007 - Dr. Elmar Dorner - Insights in SAP Research and a Glimpse on the "Semantic" Research Work
  • 09.11.2007 - Banchar Arnonkijpanich - Adaptive Second Order Self-Organzing Mapping for pattern representation und SOM based Local Inverse Mapping for parameter estimation

Lectures in the summer semester 2007

  • 07.08.2007 - Dr. Gerald Weber - Integrierte Zustandsmodellierung und Datenmodellierung
  • 10.07.2007 - Dipl.-Inf. Thomas Knothe - Unternehmensmodellierung in der Praxis
  • 13.06.2007 - Prof. Dr. Konrad Polthier - Global Parameterization of Surface Meshes using Branched Coverings
  • 14.05.2007 - Dr. Dirk Draheim - Dialogue Specification in a Service-Oriented Architecture
  • 25.04.2007 - Dr. Yingqian Zhang - Cooperative and selfish task allocation in agent social networks

Lectures in the winter semester 2006/2007

  • 13.03.2007 - Thomas Barth - Verteilte, service-orientierte Unterstützung wissensintensiver Prozesse auf Basis von PDM/PLM
  • 30.01.2007 - Jacek Malec - Active Logics - an Overview
  • 29.01.2007 - Prof. Dr. Georg Umlauf - Image and video-stream encoding using near-optimal triangulations
  • 15.01.2007 - Dr. Marina De Vos - TOAST: Applying Answer Set Programming to Superoptimisation
  • 12.12.2006 - Sebastian Bader - Logische Programme und Neuronale Netze: "The Core Method"
  • 13.11.2006 - Dr. Benjamin Hirsch - Agents and Service Oriented Architectures
  • 19.09.2006 - Prof. Alexander Smirnov - Context-Driven Driven Methodology for Operational Decision Making in Network-Centric environment
  • 14.09.2006 - Prof. Guillermo Simari - Fundamentals of Defeasible Reasoning and Argumentation

Lectures in the summer semester 2006

  • 18.07.2006 - Dr. Martin Lauer - Becoming world champion! How Robots Learn to Play Soccer
  • 11.07.2006 - Dipl. Ing. Thomas Knothe - Business Process Models for Enterprise Management in Application
  • 04.07.2006 - Prof. Ilkka Niemelae - Bounded Model Checking using Answer Set
  • 26.06.2006 - Prof. Dr. Andreas Kolb - Application potentials of PMD technology for computer graphics and computer vision
  • 22.06.2006 - Dr. Sebastian Sardina - Hierarchical Planning in BDI Agent Programming Languages: A Formal Approach
  • 12.06.2006 - Prof. Dr. Ulrich Reif - Analysis of the Four-Point Scheme
  • 12.06.2006 - Priv.-Doz.Dr.Thomas Villmann - Information optimum vector quantization
  • 15.06.2006 - Johannes Maria Zaha - Let's Dance: A Language for Modeling Interactions in Service-Based Environments
  • 19.05.2006 - Dr. Roland Müller - Integration and consistency checking of distributed fuzzy data - a fuzzy logic based approach
  • 19.05.2006 - Dr. Andreas Wombacher - An Interoperability Criterion for Stateful Services
  • 19.05.2006 - Dr. Niels Pinkwart - Graph-based models as cooperation tools
  • 27.04.2006 - Dr. Martin Gaedke - Federation - Communication with the Unknown
  • 27.04.2006 - Dr. Peter Langendörfer - Privacy in the mobile internet: From promises to protection
  • 27.04.2006 - Dr. Franziska Klügl-Frohnmeyer - Agent-based Simulation of Complex Distributed Systems
  • 27.04.2006 - PD Dr. Pedro José Marrón - Adaptation and Cross-Layer support for Self-Configuring Sensor Networks
  • 28.04.2006 - Dr. Ramin Yahyopour - Efficient Resource Management in Grid Systems
  • 28.04.2006 - Dr. Gero Mühl - A Self-Organizing Infrastructure for Publish/Subscribe Systems
  • 28.04.2006 - Dr. Gerhard Weiß - Communication Semantics for Agent Systems

Lectures in the winter semester 2005/06

For the current semester we could win the following lecturers so far:

  • 08.02.2006 - Prof. Dr. Wolfgang May - Active Rules for Specifying Behavior in the Semantic Web.
  • 08.02.2006 - Dr. Ralph Schenkel - Efficient and Effective Information Retrieval on Heterogeneous XML Data
  • 06.02.2006 - Dr. Thomas Agotnes - The Logic of Coalitional Games
  • 04.02.2006 - Dr. Gabriele Taentzer - Model-Driven Software Development based on Graph Transformation Concepts and Eclipse Technology
  • 04.02.2006 - Dr. Klaus Schmid - From product lines to adaptive software infrastructures
  • 04.02.2006 - Dr. Andreas Rausch - (Topic will be announced shortly)
  • 03.02.2006 - Dr. Claus Pahl - Outlines and Building Blocks of a Web Software Engineering Discipline
  • 03.02.2006 - Dr. Frank Padberg - How many bugs are in my software
  • 03.02.2006 - Dr. Alexander Knapp - Validation of UML Software Design Models
  • 03.02.2006 - Dr. Michaela Huhn - Formal Analysis Techniques in Model-Based Development of Software-Intensive Embedded Systems
  • 25.01.2006 - Prof. Dr. Gerd Stumme - Folksonomies and Social Networks
  • 09.01.2005 -Dr. Marc Strickert - Unveiling Data Secrets with Multidimensional Scaling Methods
  • 12.12.2005 -Frank Michael Schleif - Fishing for bio-marker candidates in ms-data by use of Learning Vector Quantization
  • 09.12.2005 -Prof. Dr. Günther Greiner - Computer Graphics Methods in Medicine
  • 02.12.2005 -Prof. Dr. Gabriele Kern-Isberner - A Basic Belief Change Operation for Revision, Update, and Default Inference
  • 11/30/2005 - Prof. Dr. Karl Schlechta - Representation sets and closure properties
  • 15.11.2005 - Prof. Diego Borro - Collision Detection and Haptic Devices in Virtual Reality Environments

Lectures in the summer semester 2005

  • 30.09.2005 - Prof. Dr. Carlos Iván Chesñevar - Argument-based Critics and Recommenders: a qualitative perspective on user support systems
  • 13.07.2005 - Prof. Dr. Pablo Fillottrani - The SEWASIE system: A multi-agent system for querying heterogenous data sources with ontologies
  • 06.07.2005 - Dr. Thomas Villmann - Prototype Based Learning Vector Quantization for Pattern Classification in Data Analysis
  • 20.06.2005 - Dr. Marcus Magnor - Video-basierte Renderingverfahren
  • 08.06.2005 - Dr. Michael Biehl - Die Dynamik der Lernenden Vektorquantisierung
  • 27.05.2005 - Prof. Dr. Ján Šefránek - Logic program updates from the viewpoint of dependencies
  • 25.05.2005 - Prof. Dr. Theo Ungerer - CAR-SoC - Techniken für Connective Autonomic Real-time SoCs
  • 09.05.2005 - Dr. Rolf Wuertz - Organic Computing for Face and Object Recognition
  • 09.05.2005 - Prof. Dr. Marek Bednarczyk - Modeling and reasoning about mobile systems with Petri Hypernets
  • 15.04.2005 - Jonathan Ben-Naim - Preferential and Preferential-Discriminative Consequence Relations

Lectures in the winter semester 2004/05

  • 09.02.2005 - Prof. Dr. Christian Müller-Schloer - Of Balinese Water Temples, Ants and Self-Modifying Code
  • 14.01.2005 - Prof. Dr. Karl Schlechta - Distance Semantics for Theory Revision
  • 15.12.2005 - Prof. Dr. Arndt Bode - Information Infrastructures for Universities: The IntegraTUM Project
  • 08.12.2004 - Dr. Elisabeth Malsch - Modeling infinite domains with finite elements
  • 19.11.2004 - Dipl.-Inf. Oliver Obst - RoboCup: Soccer Robots and Agents