Informatik-Kolloquium: Donnerstag, 14.09.06, 10:00, T4

Das Institut für Informatik läd ein zur Kolloquiums-Reihe am:

Donnerstag, 14.09.2006,

10:00 Uhr
Raum T4, Hörsaalgebäude Tannenhöhe, Albrecht-von-Groddeck-Straße 7

Herr Prof. Guillermo R. Simari
Department of Computer Science & Engineering
Universidad Nacional del Sur


spricht zum Thema:


Fundamentals of Defeasible Reasoning and Argumentation

The challenge of modeling commonsense reasoning has been part
of the standing goals of the Artificial Intelligence community since its
early beginnings. During the eighties, several formalisms were
introduced attempting to advance the understanding of this difficult
problem. In that manner, the Knowledge Representation and Reasoning
area was enriched with Circumscription, Default Logic, Autoepistemic
Logic, Defeasible Logic, and other related formalisms.
Argumentation is a form of reasoning that closely follows the
model of a formal disputation that seeks to find the best reason to
support a possible conclusion. In the past years, defeasible
argumentation has proven to be a confluence point for many formalisms
for commonsense reasoning. The conceptual basis of Defeasible
Reasoning and Argumentation will be introduced in this talk.

Weitere Informationen:

Institut für Informatik | Technische Universität Clausthal
Julius-Albert-Str. 4 | 38678 Clausthal-Zellerfeld |

peter.novak at | Tel +49-5323-72 7190