Klausurtermin Informatik III am 02.08.2006
Die Klausur zur Informatik III, Prof. Dr. J. Dix, findet wie folgt statt:
Mittwoch, den 2. August 2006,
14.00 Uhr,
Hörsaal A (HA), Institut für Mathematik, Erzstraße 1.
Infos zur Vorlesung Informatik III finden Sie hier:
NMR'06 - Proceedings online
NMR'06 - Proceedings online The proceedings of the Eleventh International Workshop on Non-Monotonic Reasoning are finally finished and can be downloaded following the link.-Download PDF-
PhD. Thesis defence
PhD. Thesis defence Andreas BrüningToday our colleague Andreas Brüning successfully defended his PhD. Thesis on "Continous and Multi-Distributive Extensions of EDAs". Congratulations from all of us!
Continous and Multi-Distributive Extensions of EDAs
Continous and Multi-Distributive Extensions of EDAs. Person/Speaker: Andreas Bruening
Place: Am Regenbogen 15Today Andreas will speak on his research towards PhD. thesis.-Andreas Bruening-
CIG meeting
CIG meeting Place: Am Regenbogen 15A regular CIG meeting will take place on Monday May 22th 2006 at 11:00.
Neue Regelung: Mündliche Prüfungen
Für den nächsten Prüfungszeitraum gilt eine neue Regelung am Institut für Informatik für den Ablauf der Anmeldungen zu mündlichen Prüfungen.
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