
Barbara invited to JGFoS by Alexander von Humboldt Foundation

Barbara invited to JGFoS by Alexander von Humboldt Foundation Barbara has been invited to attend the Japanese German Frontiers of Science Conference, organized by the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation and the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, in Japan. She will act as a planning group member for next year's conference.-JGFoS-

IfI-Kolloquium: Am 12.11.07 Dr. Elmar Dorner "SAP Research PhD Program"

Am Montag, 12.11.2007 um 15.00 Uhr wird Dr. Elmar Doner von SAP Research im Hörsaal T2, Albrecht-von-Groddeck-Str. 7 vortragen:

"Insights in SAP Research and a Glimpse on the "Semantic" Research Work"
Herr Dorner ist bei SAP Research für die Zusammenarbeit mit Universitäten zuständig und wird uns insbesondere einen Überblick über das "SAP Research PhD Program" geben. Inhaltlich wird er einen Überblick über SAP Arbeiten auf dem Gebiet "Semantik und Ontologien" geben.


MPIKS seminar in Dresden - STABIL

MPIKS seminar in Dresden - STABIL Together with Michael Biehl from RU Groningen (NL) and Wolfgang Kinzel from Univ. Würzburg, Barbara organized a very successful seminar at MPI Physik komplexer Systeme, Dresden, on the topic 'From Statistical Physics to Computer Science: Analysis of Medical and Biological Data'.-STABIL-

Edited volume on Neuro-Symbolic Integration

Edited volume on Neuro-Symbolic Integration Together with Pascal Hitzler, Barbara edited a volume of the Springer series Studies in Computational Intelligence, entitled 'Perspectives of Neuro-Symbolic Integration'. The book gathers recent research in the form of overview articles written by experts in the field.