Stellenausschreibung: Wissenschaftliche(r) Mitarbeiter(in) im Bereich Wirtschaftsinformatik
Hiwi gesucht für die Vorlesung "Werkzeuge der Informatik"
...zur Betreuung der Übungen mit einem Stundenumfang von ca. 20 h/Monat.
Wünschenswerte Vorkenntnisse: UNIX, Latex, HTML und Matlab - die einwandfreie Beherrschung der deutschen Sprache (MuttersprachlerIn) wird vorausgesetzt.
Bitte kurze formlose Bewerbung per Mail an Prof. Zachmann (
Tristan talks about his ongoing research
Tristan talks about his ongoing research Dipl.-Inf. Tristan Marc BehrensToday Tristan had a talk about his ongoing research about "Modelchecking AgentSpeak using Normal Logic Programs with Stable Model Semantics".
Peter in Bratislava
Peter in Bratislava Peter Novak spent two fruitful weeks in Slovak Republic's capital city at the Department of Applied Informatics. In the time from 25.09. to 07.10. he held several talks on Programming Multi Agent Systems and his work and his work in this field. The trip was supported by the Erasmus-Socrates-Program.