
WKN inspects the SWZ

WKN inspects the SWZ Tristan and Michael are at the "Simulationswissenschaftliches Zentrum" presenting the group's poster about the MASSim platform


Icecream Jürgen invites his staff to some marvelous ice-cream.

Jürgen in Paris

Jürgen in Paris Jürgen visits Amal El-Fallah Seghrouchni in Paris in order to discuss their upcoming book.

Jürgen in Karlsruhe

Jürgen in Karlsruhe Juergen gives an invited talk at the Colloquium "Mathematical Rigour in Computer Science" (TU Karlsruhe) on May 30th, 2008. This is an event related to he 60th birthday of Prof. Peter. H. Schmitt (Karlsruhe), Juergens former Doktorvater.