
CIG in Dagstuhl

CIG in Dagstuhl Tristan, Jürgen, Wojtek, Peter, Nils and Michael attend the Dagstuhl-Seminar "Programming Multi-Agent Systems".-Seminar-


Oberseminar Today we will prepare for Dagstuhl

New group membe

New group member We are proud to announce that Rebecca gave birth to a baby boy!-Krankenhaus Goslar-

Jürgen becomes amember of COST Action IC0801

Jürgen becomes amember of COST Action IC0801 Prof. Dix has been selected by the German government to be a member of the Management Committee (MC) for COST Action IC0801 (Agreement Technologies). COST stands for "Coopération européenne dans le domaine de la recherche scientifique et technique" and MC members are supervising and coordinating the implementation of the whole COST action by serving as scientific experts. -COST-

Diplomanden- und Doktorandenseminar: Konzeption und Evaluierung von kollaborativen Filteralgorithmen im eLearning, 26.08. um 13 Uhr

Diplomanden- und Doktorandenseminar: Konzeption eines Dokumentenservices im Rahmen eines Centers für Informationslogistik, 21.08.08, 10 Uhr, R 106