

Here you can find information about research at the Institute of Computer Science.

Study and Teaching

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Welcome to the website of the Institute for Computer Science

Study and Teaching


All about studying with us.



Current information for pupils



All news in the overview.


Jürgen in Brussels

Jürgen in Brussels Jürgen went to Brussel to act as an expert evaluator in the Seventh Research Framework Programme.

Oberseminar: Xavier's Diploma Thesis

Oberseminar: Xavier's Diploma ThesisPerson/Speaker: Xavier QueraltToday Xavier gives a talk on his diploma thesis "A Model Checker of ATL/CATL".

Oberseminar: AgentContest

Oberseminar: AgentContest This years AgentContest is over and it was a success! Peter would like to summarize the event today.

International Research Seminar in Lessach

International Research Seminar in Lessach Together with Jacek Blasewicz from Posnan University and Klaus Ecker (a former TUC professsor, now at Ohio University), Barbara Hammer and Alexander Hasenfuss will organize an international research seminar in Lessach centering around current topics of Bioinformatics, Operations Research, and Machine Learning. A selected group of students from Clausthal will join us.