Nils in Argentina
Nils in Argentina Nils spends three weeks in Argentina in the context of our German-Argentinean project.
Best paper award at KI
Best paper award at KI The paper 'Relational Neural Gas' coauthored by Barbara and Alex won the best paper award at KI'2007.
Oberseminar Carlos' Talk
Oberseminar Carlos' Talk Carlos gives a talk on "Argumentation in Defeasible Logic Programming:Extensions and Applications".
Tristan and Nils in Porto
Tristan and Nils in Porto Tristan and Nils visit the CLIMA workshop in Porto. Tristan gives a talk on "Modeling with Logic Based Petri Nets" and Nils talks about "A Logic for Reasoning about Rational Agents".
Barbara at KI'2007
Barbara at KI'2007 Barbara HammerBarbara presents a paper at Ki'2007 which takes place from 10.9.-13.9.2007. The paper, coauthored by Barbara and Alex, has been shortlisted for the best conference paper.
Carlos Chesnevar in Clausthal
Carlos Chesnevar in Clausthal Dr. Carlos Chesnevar, the co-leader of our German-Argentinean research project "Modelling Inference and Preferences in Multiagent Systems through Argumentation", visits Clausthal for research on that matter. He will stay for three weeks.-Project page-