

CIG at ESSLLI Michael, Wojtek and Nils are in Hamburg at ESSLLI. Wojtek gives the lecture "Modal logics for games and multi-agent systems"-ESSLLI 2008-


Oberseminar Peter will sketch the content of his dissertation thesis.

CIG in Bad Grund

CIG in Bad Grund Jürgen and his group go to Bad Grund to visit the Iberger Tropfsteinhöhle.

Dix Oral Exams

Dix Oral Exams Please contact our secretary.


Oberseminar Today we will speak about our ongoing research.

Tristan in Utrecht

Tristan in Utrecht Tristan visits the Intelligent Systems Group in Utrecht, the Netherlands.

Michael and Peter in Greece

Michael and Peter in Greece Michael and Peter are in Greece attending ECAI/CogRob 2008.

Wojtek in Bergen

Wojtek in Bergen Wojtek visits Thomas Agotnes in Bergen.