CIG meeting
CIG meeting Person/Speaker: Andreas Bruening
Place: Seminar room Am Regenbogen 15, CLZAndreas will give a second part of his talk on Estimated Distribution Algorithms.-Andreas Bruening-
CIG meeting
CIG meeting Person/Speaker: Andreas Bruening
Place: Seminar room, Am Regenbogen 15, CLZAndreas will speak on Estimation Distribution Algorithms and his work on his PhD. thesis.-Andreas Bruening-
New colleague in CI group
New colleague in CI group Person/Speaker: Juan Guadarrama
Place: Clausthal-ZellerfeldIn few weeks we are about to welcome a new colleague Juan Guadarrama to our CI group. Juan is a mexican, currently staying at CENTRIA, Lisbon, Portugal, working on problem of updates of logic programs.-Juan Carlos Acosta Guadarrama-
Distanz-Semantik fuer Theorie-Revision
Distanz-Semantik fuer Theorie-Revision Person/Speaker: Prof. Dr. Karl Schlechta
Place: T4, TannenhoeheProf. Dr. Karl Schlechta from University of Marseille will speak about his work on logical theory revision. Abstract can be found in the flyer.-Karl Schlechta- -Flyer-
PhD. thesis defence
PhD. thesis defence Oscar Zarate AguilaOur colleague Oscar will defend his PhD. thesis on Friday December 17th. Good luck Oscar!
IfI Christmas party
IfI Christmas party Place: IfI HQ, Julius Albert Str. 4, ClausthalWe are looking forward to the Institut fuer Informatik Christmas party organized by new members of the IfI.
Modeling infinite domains with finite elements
Modeling infinite domains with finite elements Person/Speaker: Dr.-Phil. Elisabeth Malsch
Place: Raum T5 , ITZ-Hörsaalgebäude, Tannenhöhe, (Gebäude 61) Albrecht-von-Groddeck-Str. 7IfI kolloquia series - an invited talk by Dr.-Phil. Elisabeth Malsch from Technische Universtiaet Braunschweig. Abstract can be found in the flyer.-Elisabeth Malsch- -flyer-