
Jürgen at ECSS07

Jürgen at ECSS07 Jürgen participates in the European Computer Science Summit 3rd Annual Informatics Europe Meeting 2007 in Berlin.-Link-

Tristan at WLP 2007

Tristan at WLP 2007 Today Tristan will give his talk on "LTL Model Checking with Logic Based Petri Nets" at the WLP 2007 workshop in lovely Würzburg.-WLP 2007-

Begrüßung der Erstsemester: 10:00 Hörsaal B, Mathe-Institut

Oberseminar: Tristan's talk

Oberseminar: Tristan's talk Place: Seminarraum, Am Regenbogen Today Tristan will practice his WLP-talk "LTL Model Checking with Logic Based Petri Nets".

Oberseminar with SSE group: AgentContest

Oberseminar with SSE group: AgentContest Place: Seminarraum am RegenbogenToday we will introduce our AgentContest to the Software Systems Engineering Group.