
Pressebericht in der Goslarschen Zeitung

Im folgenden PDF-File befindet sich ein Presseartikel der Goslarschen Zeitung über das Institut für Informatik vom 23.05.2007

Prof. Dix in Dortmund

Prof. Dix in Dortmund Prof. Dix has been invited by Prof. Kern-Isberner (University of Dortmund) to have a talk on "What can agents achieve in multi-agent systems?". -Invitation-

Oberseminar: AAMAS 2007

Oberseminar: AAMAS 2007 Wojtek is back from Hawaii and would like to report on his recent participation in AAMAS 2007.

Nils and Woitek on Hawaii

Nils and Woitek on Hawaii This week Nils and Wojtek enjoy their lives in Honolulu attending the AAMAS 2007 conference. They present their paper "Agents, Beliefs, and Plausible Behavior in a Temporal Setting". Together they presented a poster on "A Framework for Reasoning about Rational Agents". Together with Dr. Thomas Agotnes, University of Bergen, Norway, Wojtek had a talk on "Modular Interpreted Systems". Lest we forget that Nils also gave our talk at ProMas on "Adding structure to agent programming languages".-AAMAS 2007-