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Juan at MICAI

Juan at MICAI Juan is at MICAI in Mexico and presents his two papers "Implementing Knowledge Update Sequences" and "Maintaining Knowledge Bases at the Object Level".-MICAI 2007-

Banchar Arnonkijpanich is our guest

Banchar Arnonkijpanich is our guest Banchar Arnonkijpanich from the university of Heidelberg is our guest. He give a talk on "Adaptive Second Order Self-Organizing Mapping for pattern representation" and another on "SOM based Local Inverse Mapping for parameter estimation".

Barbara invited to JGFoS by Alexander von Humboldt Foundation

Barbara invited to JGFoS by Alexander von Humboldt Foundation Barbara has been invited to attend the Japanese German Frontiers of Science Conference, organized by the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation and the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, in Japan. She will act as a planning group member for next year's conference.-JGFoS-

MPIKS seminar in Dresden - STABIL

MPIKS seminar in Dresden - STABIL Together with Michael Biehl from RU Groningen (NL) and Wolfgang Kinzel from Univ. Würzburg, Barbara organized a very successful seminar at MPI Physik komplexer Systeme, Dresden, on the topic 'From Statistical Physics to Computer Science: Analysis of Medical and Biological Data'.-STABIL-