Studienarbeiten/Praktika in Agent Programming

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  • In the context of a project "Modular BDI Architecture" in the Computational Intelligence Group of Department of Informatics (Prof. Dr.
    Juergen Dix), we are offering the following two Studienarbeiten and Praktika projects:

    *** Eclipse IDE plug-in                                   ***
    Recently we published an interpreter for an experimental agent oriented programming language Jazzyk ( and we want to integrate it with the Eclipse IDE ( Your task would be to implement a plug-in for Eclipse supporting development of small projects in Jazzyk language including customized syntax highlighting, debugging, etc. Most of the development will be done probably in Java.

    *** An Agent Contest interface module                     ***
    Agent Contest ( is an international open competition of multi-agent system developers our group organizes already since 3 years. We would like to create a team of agents in a specialized agent programming language Jazzyk to participate in this contest in the future. Your task would be to implement a module in a form of a shared library which can connect such agents with the Agent Contest server. The development will be in C, or C++ and basically you need to know (or learn underway) something about TCP/IP communication and XML in the context of C/C++.

    If you are interested in some these projects, or perhaps you have some other idea relevant to these offerings, feel free to contact us as soon as possible. Send an E-mail to Peter Novak (, or Prof. Juergen Dix (, or visit us at IfI R209 Am Regenbogen 15, Clausthal-Zellerfeld.
    Communication language is either German or English, as you wish ;-).
    -- | Department of Informatics | Clausthal University of Technology Julius-Albert-Str. 4 | D-38678 Clausthal-Zellerfeld | Germany Tel +49 5323 72-7190 | Fax +49 5323 72-7139